Sen. Rezin hosts Grundy County Flood Prevention Town Hall Forum

In partnership with the Grundy County Board, State of Illinois, and the City of Ottawa, State Sen. Sue Rezin hosted a town hall forum Feb. 3 in Morris dealing issues regarding the floodplain map, flood insurance, and ways to prevent flood losses. About 100 people from across the county attended.

Sen. Rezin and a panel of experts focused their forum on three core issues:

–       If you live in a designated floodplain and you believe your property should be removed from the floodplain, how you can potentially get your property out of the floodplain map

–       If you are in a designated floodplain, how you can reduce your flood insurance rates

–       If you are interested in flood insurance, where you can turn to

After their presentation, Rezin and other local officials and flood experts fielded questions from the audience.

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