Budget Negotiations to Continue

The Governor and legislative leaders met four times during the past week in Springfield in an attempt to move forward with the framework of a balanced, full-year budget with structural reforms.  Reforms are an integral part of passing a balanced budget, which in turn would help set Illinois on a sustainable path toward prosperity.   Incorporating these reforms in the budget process would provide billions in savings, while at the same time helping to alleviate the exodus of jobs leaving Illinois.  Without these reforms, the state will continue down the same destructive path it’s been on, which would be a disservice to the residents of Illinois. 

Gov. Bruce Rauner has shown his willingness to compromise to achieve a full-year budget; however, he announced this week that he would only sign another stop-gap budget if it contained term limits and a permanent property tax freeze.  

While no agreement was reached this week, the legislative leaders plan to meet over the weekend in order to work toward a balanced budget with reforms. 

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