SPRINGFIELD, IL – State Sen. Sue Rezin (R-Morris) has been named as the Minority Spokesperson of the Illinois Senate’s Energy Committee, an appointment she sees as an opportunity to promote the energy-heavy industry in the 38th District and across Illinois.
In addition to her responsibilities on the Energy Committee, Rezin will also serve on the Education, Transportation, Local Government, and Financial Institutions Committees.
“I’m excited for the opportunity given to me to chair the Energy Committee on behalf of the Senate Republicans,” Sen. Rezin said. “With three nuclear plants, an oil refinery and countless wind farms, our district is one of the leading producers of energy in the nation. I look forward to working on legislation that will improve the business climate for these industries and others like them around the state to help get our economy moving again.”
Tom Wolf, Executive Director of the Energy Council at the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, said he looks forward to Sen. Rezin’s leadership role on the Senate Energy Committee.
“We are pleased to see that Sen. Rezin has been named the minority spokesperson on the Senate Energy Committee,” said Tom Wolf, Executive Director of the Energy Council at the Illinois Chamber of Commerce. “She is so knowledgeable about the energy world due to such a wide variety of energy facilities in her district and she has no problem linking those issues with the everyday energy needs of her constituents. She knows that energy and economic development go hand-in-hand. We can’t wait to work with her and other members of the committee to make Illinois a great place for energy of all kinds.”
Sen. Rezin said she also looks forward to working on Education and Transportation issues in the state.
“As a member of the Education Committee, I look forward to working with all the different groups that have a stake and an interest in Illinois’ education system,” she said. “Our education system is facing some challenges with budget restrictions and other issues, but I hope to be able to address those issues and more in the committee.”
Sen. Rezin has a 100 percent voting record against cuts to education funding, voicing her opposition to appropriation legislation that included budget reductions to education. Throughout her time in the Senate, she has been concerned and vocal about other areas of the budget that have taken money away from education funding. She hopes that through her involvement and work with this committee, funding for education can begin to be restored.
“Concerning the Transportation Committee, I anticipate legislation that will enhance the resources and the systems that we currently have in place. Illinois is a transportation hub for the Midwest and nation,” she said. “I think we have a real chance to further improve our transportation systems and draw more economic activity to the state.”
Sen. Rezin will assume her new assignments once the General Assembly reconvenes on February 5.