Senate Week in Review: June 23-27

Improving access to health care is the goal of two measures that have now been signed into law, according to Sen. Sue Rezin (R-Morris).

Senate Bill 2187 allows clinical psychologists to prescribe medicine under specified circumstances, while SB 3409 would allow dentists to provide flu vaccines to their patients with a doctor’s prescription. Both measures were among bills signed by the Governor in recent days.

Also, several other previously approved new laws are scheduled to go into effect July 1, including a new mandate lowering the compulsory school age from seven years to six.
Senator Rezin to host free CUB Clinic

Sen. Rezin is hosting a free Citizens Utility Board Clinic in July aimed at helping residents save money on their phone bills. 

The event will be held on Tuesday, July 1 beginning at 10:00 a.m. at Morris City Hall located at 700 N. Division Street in Morris.  The Citizens Utility Board (CUB) will be on hand to discuss tips and tricks regarding how to save money on phone bills and will have staff available to go over your phone bill. 

If you plan to attend, make sure to bring the last few of your recent phone bills with you.

For more information, call Sen. Rezin’s office at 815-220-8720.

Subpoenas approved in Quinn program

While Governor Quinn continued to review and approve legislation sent to him by the General Assembly, attention remained focused on a controversial grant program he started shortly before the 2010 election that has since become the subject of several investigations, a highly critical state audit and now, the likely topic of subpoenaed testimony from several of his former aides.

The bipartisan Legislative Audit Commission approved subpoenas for seven former Quinn administration officials, to compel them to testify before the commission July 16-17. The controversy stems from the Neighborhood Recovery Initiative (NRI), a $55 million program that drew questions almost from its beginning as reports surfaced of questionable spending, poor record keeping and indications of political cronyism in the awarding of grants.

The latest, in what has become almost weekly revelations of problems, is the news that the NRI paid thousands of dollars for a non-existent program that was supposed to help young offenders return to society. In fact, there is no evidence that Project Hope, Inc., did anything for the $15,770 it received and its address was actually that of a day care center in a different community than the one it claimed to be based in.

Some lawmakers have urged Governor Quinn to come before the Legislative Audit Committee to testify, since the program was created by him and several of his top aides at the time were responsible for its design and implementation.

Psychologists prescribe medicine

Certain clinical psychologists will now be able to write prescriptions for their patients under SB 2187. The new law requires clinical psychologists to meet high education and training standards before applying for a license to prescribe medicine. Illinois is now the third state, along with New Mexico and Louisiana, which allow patients to get necessary medication from a psychologist.

Proponents argued that in many areas of the state, particularly in rural areas, limited access to psychiatrists has meant that persons suffering from mental illness have a difficult time getting medication that can help them manage their illness.

Previously, clinical psychologists could provide mental health services to patients but were not able to write prescriptions. Typically, an individual sees a psychologist (a Ph.D.) for therapy and a psychiatrist (an M.D.) for their medication.

The new law sets educational requirements that psychologists must meet; limits the types of drugs they are able to prescribe; requires prescribing psychologists to have a collaborative agreement with a physician; and prohibits clinical psychologists from prescribing for patients under 17, older than 65, pregnant women or persons with serious medical conditions.  

Dentists provide flu shots

Another healthcare measure would allow patients to get their flu shots at their dentist’s offices.

Senate Bill 3409 allows dentists with the appropriate training to administer flu vaccines to patients 18 years of age or older who have a prescription or physician’s order for the immunization. The intent is to provide an additional place where persons can get a flu shot in an effort to increase immunizations by making it more convenient for patients.

The dentist must be contracted with and credentialed by the patient’s health insurance, HMO or other health plan to specifically provide the vaccination. Vaccinations may only be given to Medicare or Medicaid enrollees if the dentist is authorized to do so by the federal Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services or the Department of Healthcare and Family Services.

New Laws in effect July 1

A handful of previously signed measure are scheduled to go into effect July 1, with the lowering of the compulsory school attendance age the most controversial.

Senate Bill 1307 lowers the age at which children must be enrolled in school from seven to six years old. It will begin with the 2014-2015 school year and apply to children six years old or older on Sept. 1 of each year.

Opponents raised concerns that the mandate fails to recognize wide differences in the maturity level of young children and argued parents are better able to judge if a child is ready for school at age six. Concerns have been raised that sending a child to school who is not ready can result in early failure that can have a long term impact on a child’s education.

Other bills going into effect July 1 include HB 772, which requires that persons age 18-21 must pass an adult driver education course before being issued a license and HB 3724, which requires training on how to administer CPR and how to use an Automated External Defibrillator in all high schools in the state.

Bills signed into law

Several other measures were also signed into law recently, including an advisory referendum on whether or not Illinois should increase its minimum wage. House Bill 3814 places a non-binding advisory question on the November 4, 2014, ballot asking: “Shall the minimum wage in Illinois for adults over the age of 18 be raised to $10 per hour by January 1, 2015?”

Measures signed into law in recent days include:

Volunteer Medical Licensures (HB 4593/PA 98-0659): Creates a “volunteer” licensure classification for medical professionals, the legislation would benefit recently retired professionals who may want to offer free clinic services or might want to practice part time without receiving compensation.

Farmers’ Market Regulation (HB 5657/PA 98-0660):
Provides that regulation of farmers’ markets by local authorities may not be more stringent than regulation by the Department of Public Health. This legislation streamlines regulation of local farmers’ markets under one statewide code. Under current law, local governmental units may regulate farmers’ markets as they see fit. This has led to non-uniform regulations across the state.

School Safety Plans (HB 5716/PA 98-0661): Provides that when school districts update their school building’s emergency and crisis response plans, consideration may be given to making the plans available to first responders, administrators and teachers for use on electronic devices.

TIF District Extensions (SB 504/PA 98-0667): Extends the life of three TIF Districts – the City of Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal District; the City of Chicago Read/Dunning TIF District and the Naperville Water Street TIF District.

Increase Revolving Fire Truck Loan Cap (SB 2690/PA 98-0662): Increases the amount of money that can be loaned out to fire departments or fire protection districts for the purchase of a fire or brush truck from $250,000 to $350,000. The cap of $100,000 per truck is kept intact.

Annual Safety Review (SB 2710/PA 98-0663):
  Requires an annual safety review at no cost to schools (public and private) and requires non-public schools to hold a minimum of one meeting annually to review safety drill programs. Appropriate first responder organizations must be invited to the meeting.  This will bring non-public schools in line with what is required of public schools.

List of new laws going into effect July 1, 2014

Adult Driver’s Tests (HB 772/PA 98-0167): Persons aged 18-21 must pass an adult driver education course before being issued a license. The course need not have a driving component, however.

Child Abuse Reporting (HB 2245/PA 98-0408):
Provides that within one year of initial employment and at least every five years thereafter, school personnel required to report child abuse must complete mandated reporter training.

Commercial Driving Permit (SB 1757/PA 98-0176): Replaces the state’s Commercial Driver Instruction Permit with a Commercial Learner’s Permit (CLP). This will bring Illinois into compliance with federal requirements. The permit authorizes persons to operate a commercial motor vehicle (typically large trucks, such as semi-trailers, buses, or vehicles transporting hazardous materials) when accompanied by a holder of a valid Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) who is providing behind-the wheel-training.
Compulsory School Age (SB 1307/PA 98-0544): Lowers the compulsory school age, beginning with the 2014-2015 school year, from 7 to 6 years old.  Applies to children six years old or older on or before September 1 each year.  

CPR Training (HB 3724/PA 98-0632): 
Requires training on how to properly administer CPR and how to use an Automated External Defibrillator to be included as a basis for curricula in all high schools. Provides that no student shall be required to take or participate in any training on CPR or AED use if his or her parent or guardian submits a written objection.

Early Childhood Grants (HB 4440/PA 98-0645): Requires that not less than 14% (currently 11%) of the Early Childhood Block Grant must be used to fund programs for children ages 0-3.  That percentage is to be increased to at least 20% by Fiscal Year 16 (currently Fiscal Year 15).

School Reform Modifications (HB 5546/PA 98-0648):
Makes several changes to school reform legislation passed in 2011 (PA-97-008) including giving limited recall rights to teachers who have been dismissed or removed due to one “Needs Improvement” rating on either of the last two performance evaluations, provided that the other performance evaluation is “Satisfactory,” “Proficient” or “Excellent;” they are qualified to hold the position available; and were removed by honorable dismissal.

Teacher Certification Process (HB 5393/PA 98-0646): Makes several changes to the Illinois Teaching Excellence Program. The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) is makings revisions to the National Board Certification Process and they are trying to align the current law of all states to match those changes.

List of bills signed into law recently

Minimum Wage (HB 3814/PA-98-0657): Places an advisory question (non-binding) on the November 4, 2014, ballot asking: “Shall the minimum wage in Illinois for adults over the age of 18 be raised to $10 per hour by January 1, 2015?”

Traffic Violation Fee (HB 4462/PA 98-0658):
  Extends the sunset of a $35 fee imposed on persons convicted of or pleading guilty to a serious traffic violation from October 13, 2014 to January 1, 2020.

Volunteer Medical Licensures (HB 4593/PA 98-0659):
Creates a “volunteer” licensure classification for medical professionals, the legislation would benefit recently retired professionals who may want to offer free clinic services or might want to practice part time without receiving compensation.

Farmers’ Market Regulation (HB 5657/PA 98-0660):
Provides that regulation of farmers’ markets by local authorities may not be more stringent than regulation by the Department of Public Health. This legislation streamlines regulation of local farmers’ markets under one statewide code. Under current law, local governmental units may regulate farmers’ markets as they see fit. This has led to non-uniform regulations across the state.

School Safety Plans (HB 5716/PA 98-0661): Provides that when school districts update their school building’s emergency and crisis response plans, consideration may be given to making the plans available to first responders, administrators and teachers for use on electronic devices.

Increase Revolving Fire Truck Loan Cap (SB 2690/PA 98-0662):
Increases the amount of money that can be loaned out to fire departments or fire protection districts for the purchase of a fire or brush truck from $250,000 to $350,000. The cap of $100,000 per truck is kept intact.

Annual Safety Review (SB 2710/PA 98-0663):
  Requires an annual safety review at no cost to schools (public and private) and requires non-public schools to hold a minimum of one meeting annually to review safety drill programs. Appropriate first responder organizations must be invited to the meeting.  This will bring non-public schools in line with what is required of public schools.

School Improvement Grants (SB 2934/PA 98-0664):
Authorizes the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) to make grants for safety and security improvements to public K-12 school districts, area vocational centers as designated by the State Board of Education, non-public K-12 schools, regional safe schools, and inter-district special education cooperatives.

Dentist Administering Flu Vaccine (SB 3409/PA 98-0665):
Allows dentists to administer flu vaccines if they are properly trained and if appropriate records are kept along with notification to the patient’s primary care physician.  Vaccinations are limited to patients 18 years and older pursuant to a valid prescription or standing order by a licensed physician.  The dentist must be contracted with and credentialed by the patient’s health insurance, HMO or other health plan to specifically provide the vaccination. Vaccinations may only be given to Medicare or Medicaid enrollees if the dentist is authorized to do so by the federal Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services or the Department of Healthcare and Family Services.
Fire Department Cessation (HB 4418/PA 98-0666): In order to protect full-time firefighter staff in the event a municipality considers transitioning to an all-volunteer fire department, the bill provides that municipalities with a population of 500 or more that owns, operates, or maintains any fire department or departments cannot cease operation of that department unless the cessation is submitted to voters by referendum. Protects the rights of the employees of the dissolved fire department provided in the Personnel Code, any collective bargaining agreements, and any pension, retirement, or annuity plan of those employees.

TIF District Extensions (SB 504/PA 98-0667):
Extends the life of three TIF Districts – the City of Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal District; the City of Chicago Read/Dunning TIF District and the Naperville Water Street TIF District.

Psychologists Prescribe Medicine (SB 2187/PA 98-0668): Allows for clinical psychologists to prescribe medications in Illinois.  
•    Sets educational requirements that psychologists must meet;
•    Limits the types of drugs they will be able to prescribe; Prohibited from prescribing 1) narcotics (such as cocaine and opium); 2) benzodiazepines (such as Valium, Xanax and Ativan), or 3) any Schedule II drugs (such as OxyContin, Adderall, Percocet, and Ritalin);
•    Prescribing psychologists can only prescribe non-narcotic Schedule III through V drugs (example, Prozac);
•    Limits persons which they will be able to prescribe (cannot prescribe to patients less than 17 years of age or over 65 years of age, nor can they prescribe to pregnant women or a person with a serious medical condition;
•    Requires prescribing psychologist to have a collaborative agreement with a physician in order to be able to exercise their prescriptive authority.  Limits a physician to entering into three collaborative agreements;  
•    Changes in the Licensing Board.  Increases from 7 to 11 persons. Two of the newly added positions will be filled by Illinois-licensed prescribing psychologists, the other two newly added positions will be filled by physicians licensed to practice medicine in Illinois who prescribe medications for the treatment of mental health disease or illness in the normal course of their medical practices (one psychiatrist/one primary or family physician).

Proponents argued that in many areas of the state, particularly in rural areas, limited access to psychiatrists has meant that persons suffering from mental illness have a difficult time getting medication that can help them manage their illness.

Bullying Policies (HB 5707/PA 98-0669):
Extensively details what is required in a school districts’ policy on bullying. Requires all public, private, and charter schools to create and implement a comprehensive local policy regarding bullying, the reporting of bullying, and any subsequent student remediation. All of which must fit within new guidelines provided for in this bill.