Senator Rezin Announces Funding for LIHEAP

LIHEAP helping people cut the cost of energy

The Low Income Heat and Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) has begun its open enrollment period for eligible households in Illinois. During the bitter winter months, many people often find themselves overwhelmed by utility costs. LIHEAP offers some families the opportunity to cut the costs of heating their homes.

LIHEAP is designed to assist eligible households pay for winter energy services. The program provides a one-time benefit to eligible households to be used for energy bills. The amount is determined by income, household size, fuel type, and geographic location.

Eligibility is based on gross income for the 30 days prior to the date of application and is $1,459 for one person households; $1,966 for two person households; $2,474 for three person households; and $2,981 for four person households. Also, you must be the customer of record at the utility company.

Also, any eligible household that is disconnected from their utilities or who is at or below 25 percent on a delivered fuel and cannot get a delivery on their own, may quality for re-connection assistance.

Applicants must bring Social Security cards for all household members, proof of income for the previous 30 days and gas and electric bills.

LIHEAP is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the state of Illinois, and is administered by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO). Energy assistance is provided by local community action agencies or not-for-profit agencies throughout the state. You may contact the agency provider in your area to apply for assistance.

For more information on LIHEAP in Illinois and to find more about services in your area visit the DCEO website.  Please do not call the Illinois Department of Human Services.