Your Insurance Questions Answered

Insurance Hotline Available

We all know how perplexing insurance can be. Premiums, co-pays, deductibles. It can be a confusing process. I want to let you know there is a great resource available if you have insurance questions. It’s the Illinois Insurance Hotline. This is an industry sponsored resource that can provide you with any insurance information or questions you may have.

Common questions include:

What is the financial rating and the complaint record for the insurance company I am considering?
Is it a good idea to buy replacement cost coverage on my home and personal belongings?
What are my options if the insurance company cancels my coverage?
How can I get in touch with the insurance company if there is not an agent in my area?

I want to stress, the Illinois Insurance Hotline does not sell insurance or recommend companies. It simply offers unbiased information to help you make educated decisions about insurance.

Give the Illinois Insurance Hotline a call at 1-800-444-3338. They are available Monday through Friday. You can also email them at