Meet the Buyers Event for Farmers

Farmers throughout Illinois are invited to attend a Meet the Buyers event to meet local and regional food buyers Feb. 3, 2015, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at the Orland Civic Center in Orland.  

“This will be our 19th Meet the Buyers event and we expect it to be one of our largest,” said Cynthia Haskins, manager of business development of compliance, Illinois Farm Bureau. “Farmers will hear from several buyers and meet with the buyers one-on-one so they can begin building working relationships.”

The following organizations are partnering to support the one-day event: Illinois Farm Bureau, Cook County Farm Bureau, Illinois Specialty Growers Association, Illinois Department of Agriculture, and several surrounding Farm Bureau and University of Illinois Extension offices.

“This event will include buyers who are looking for local fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, artisan cheeses, dairy, value-added products and more,” said Bob Rohrer, manager, Cook County Farm Bureau.

The event is free to farmers. Those wishing to attend should RSVP to the Cook County Farm Bureau at 708-354-3276 by Jan. 27, 2015.