Secretary of State’s Office rolls out centralized issuing of driver’s licenses

Beginning this month, Illinois residents will get a newly designed driver’s license and a new process to obtain or renew their old one. Under the new process, called Central Issuance, customers at Secretary of State Driver Service facilities will no longer immediately be issued a new permanent driver’s license/ID card at the end of the application process.

Over the course of the next four years, Illinois drivers renewing their licenses will be following new procedures to phase out the old cards.  When it comes time to renew, the driver will receive a temporary paper driver’s license, along with their old one that has a hole punched in it, while the state checks the information for fraud.

Applicants whose information checks out will receive their driver’s license within 15 business days. 

The redesigned card contains enhanced security features to safeguard personal information, prevent counterfeiting, and protect individuals from identity theft.

Fees for the new design will remain the same.

For more information on the new driver’s license and procedures, visit

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