The tragic death of a five-year-old girl led to a new law that requires Illinois hospitals to be better prepared to recognize and treat patients with sepsis or septic shock. Gov. Rauner signed Senate Bill 2403/Public Act 099-0828 at a press conference Aug. 18 at the Presence Covenant Medical Center in Urbana.
Gabby Galbo of Monticello passed away in 2012 due to untreated sepsis. Since then, her parents worked to pass this legislation in honor of her memory.
“This bill is an example of good public policy, policy that will save lives,” said Gov. Rauner. “But we are saddened, because it was due to the loss of 5-year-old Gabby Galbo that this legislation was sent my desk. Gabby’s Law will save lives while honoring this little girl’s legacy. It will have a tremendous impact in Illinois for years to come.”
State Sen. Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) sponsored this legislation and says the new law will improve the quality of care for all Illinoisans. “Early detection saves lives. If we can prevent just one family from having to deal with the pain that the Galbo family has gone through, then this law will have honored Gabby’s memory well,” said Sen. Rose.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, sepsis is a progressive shutdown of the body’s organs and systems caused by systemic inflammation following infection that enters the blood or soft tissue. More than one million cases of sepsis occur each year, killing more than 258,000.
The new law went into effect immediately.