Illinois ranks 20 in personal freedom

The CATO Institute, an independent public policy organization, recently released its 2016 Freedom in the States report that ranks the American states based on how their policies promote freedom in the fiscal, regulatory and personal realms.  While Illinois ranked 44 in the states, it ranked number 20 in personal freedoms. 

CATO Institute claims Illinois, in the past four years, posted one of the most dramatic improvements in personal freedom that it has ever seen.  They attribute this to new laws for conceal carry, same sex marriage, legalized medical marijuana, driver’s licenses, and educational choice.

Although Illinois ranks middle of the road in personal freedoms, it ranks low for fiscal health.  The institute suggested “enacting a strict, ex post balanced budget requirements in the constitution in order to reduce state debt and improve the state’s poor credit rating.” 

See the results and other recommendations for Illinois at: