Poll: Voters Looking for Reform in Illinois

A new poll of registered Illinois voters by the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute released Oct. 10 reflect the public’s view that good government reforms are needed in state government to take Illinois in a different direction from the failed policies of the previous two administrations. 

According to the poll, 84 percent of registered Illinois voters believe the state is heading in the wrong direction. Only 10 percent said Illinois is the right track. Though voters clearly desire change in how Illinois does business, since the beginning of Gov. Rauner’s term Democrat legislative leaders have rejected real, good-faith proposals to change the direction of state government. 

Instead, the realistic reforms introduced by Republican lawmakers that would help employers, create jobs, boost the economy, and eliminate waste and fraud in state government, were quickly defeated or not given an opportunity for debate. 

Like the Choice Hotels TV commercial that asks, “Should I stay or should I go?” Illinois residents were also asked the same question in the survey, and 47 percent indicated they would like to move, while 51 percent would stay. The poll found that taxes were the single biggest reason for leaving, followed by the weather, the government and jobs. 

The poll clearly indicates that Illinoisans are not satisfied and reform is needed to restore confidence in government, address the ongoing fiscal crisis and rebuild the Illinois economy. The Paul Simon Public Policy Institute surveyed 1,000 registered Illinois voters from Sept. 27 through Oct. 2.