Helpful election information

The State Board of Elections announced Oct. 26 that the number of registered voters in Illinois is approaching 8,000,000, surpassing a previous record high of 7,789,500 set for the 2008 General Election.

Voters are reminded that there will be a Constitutional Amendment on the ballot. Information about the “lockbox amendment” or “safe roads amendment” is available on the Secretary of State’s Web site.

Proponents argue the amendment would provide a dedicated source of funding for transportation projects that will increase the quality of Illinois’ roads, bridges, bridge and road safety inspections, and mass transit. Opponents argue that the amendment limits the power of state and local governments to appropriate state resources as they deem necessary.

A number of local propositions and public questions could be found on the ballot as well, depending on the county and/or city/village. Contact the county clerk or local election authority to view a sample ballot.