Rezin: Rauner’s State of the State Address sets good tone going forward

“Gov. Rauner set a good and important tone during his State of the State Address,” State Sen. Sue Rezin said. “Despite the challenges Illinois faces right now, his outlook is one I agree with. We can accomplish great things, pass a balanced budget, and change the way Springfield operates that moves our state forward, creates jobs, and ensures the vulnerable, working families, and our schools are all priorities. Growing our economy and righting our sinking fiscal ship can happen. But, it starts with ending the partisan divide and engaging in honest discussions from everyone to solve problems.

“Both sides of the aisle and the Governor have worked together in the past two years on several issues that made Illinois better. There is no reason we can’t do that on the most critical issues facing the state right now. I’m hopeful with a new General Assembly and a new attitude under the dome, we can get things done.”