Good-faith negotiations continue

Senate Republicans continue their good-faith negotiations, taking the time needed to hammer out the important details of passing a full-year, balanced budget with commonsense reforms that will put Illinois’ fiscal house in order and create a solid foundation for future budgeting and economic stability. Such reforms include a property tax freeze, spending reform and caps, and jobs creation.

However, Senate President John Cullerton called several legislative measures for a vote on May 10, over the objections of Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno who asked that discussions be allowed to continue toward the goal of reaching a compromise.

“Our talks are continuing. There are sincere good faith negotiations underway in the Senate on FY18 budget specifics and reforms critical to Illinois’ economy. Time is of the essence, but the devil is always in the details and the minutiae of complicated proposals. We are working through those now in an effort to advance the legislation as soon as possible,” Radogno said.

Senate Republicans note that a workable solution needs to balance the budget, improve the jobs climate through business reforms, and stop the outmigration of people and employers from Illinois by advancing property tax relief.