Rezin: Rauner’s decision to sign taxpayer-funded abortion legislation ‘disappointing’

Springfield, IL – State Sen. Sue Rezin (R-Morris) issued the following statement in response to Gov. Bruce Rauner announcing on Sept. 28 that he will sign House Bill 40 (HB 40) into law:

“Gov. Rauner’s decision to sign legislation that will now force taxpayers to pay for all abortions, for any reason, for those on Medicaid and who are state employees, is beyond disappointing.

“This is a significant change from a national policy that taxpayer dollars do not fund elective abortions.

“Illinois is still facing a financial crisis. Not only can taxpayers not afford this, but polls show that the majority of people in our country don’t want their tax dollars funding abortion.

“As a mother of four, I am pro-life will continue to stand up for the unborn and taxpayers.”