Area Medicaid patients should check their mail for information about the roll out of a revamped Medicaid program called “HealthChoice Illinois.” Benefit Access is also program run by the Illinois Department of Aging/Governor’s Office which offers seniors or persons with a disability a Ride Free Transit Card and license plate discounts. Here are locations that can help:
*Mendota Area Senior Services;
-transportation throughout all of LaSalle Co. for citizens 60 years of age or older.
-Counseling for caretakers
-Benefits Access
-Seniors or persons with disability ride free transit cards
-License Plate Discounts
More info can be found on website or calling 815-539-7700
Bridges senior community center:
-Medicare Part D
-recreation programs
-support for older adults, adults with disabilities and caregivers
More info can be found on the website or by calling 1-800-798-0988