Rezin reacts to minimum wage proposal

State Senator Sue Rezin (R-Morris) released the below statement following the Senate vote on Senate Bill 1, which would increase Illinois’ minimum wage to $15 over six years.

“It’s important we provide individuals and families the ability to earn a comfortable income, there’s no question about that. The concern I have is that under this proposal, our businesses will see a detrimental impact—one that our state can’t afford. We can’t afford to lose any more businesses and we can’t continue to create policy after policy that hurts our employers.

“The business community is willing to negotiate a solution that is reflective of our diverse state. What may work in Chicago won’t work in other regions. We must consider cost of living and other economic differences.

“I encourage my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to come to the table to work out some sort of agreement that is good for both businesses and workers.”

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