Ottawa, LaSalle receive grants for park projects

Two local projects within State Senator Sue Rezin’s district have been approved for Open Space Land Acquisition and Development grants.

The City of Ottawa received $305,100 for improvements at Thornton Park and the City of LaSalle received $400,000 for their Rotary Park expansion project.

These grants are funded through the state’s Open Space Land Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) program and are administered by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. The OSLAD program can provide up to one-half of a project’s funds. When combined with the investment of local matching funds, the grants will support more than $56 million in local park development projects and land acquisitions statewide.

The OSLAD program has invested $403.2 million in 1,729 local park projects since its inception in 1987. The program receives dedicated funding from a percentage of the state’s Real Estate Transfer Tax.