While much of the public’s focus is on addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, many Illinois seniors have concerns about access to medication. Care Coordination units within the Illinois Department on Aging (IDOA) ensure the medication needs of Illinois seniors are being met by providing tailored person-centered plans of care for all participants.
While Adult Day Centers have temporarily suspended activities, IDoA is providing direction to ensure the needs of seniors are communicated and, if necessary, to provide automated medication dispensers. IDoA is in regular contact with all providers in the Aging Network to ensure collaboration and communication, particularly concerning medications and seniors living alone.
The Care Coordination Units maintain back-up plans and emergency contact information for all seniors. These plans ensure caregivers and family members are notified of medication needs. IDoA is providing Care Coordination Units with capacity grants to provide emergency-related supplies to seniors, including medical supplies.
More information on care coordination units can be found at this link https://www2.illinois.gov/aging/CommunityServices/Pages/case-mgmt.aspx, and more on COVID-19 efforts from IDoA can be found here https://www2.illinois.gov/aging/coronavirus/Pages/default.aspx.
In addition, private business organizations such as CVS and Walgreens are offering free delivery of medications to vulnerable seniors throughout the State.