Rezin responds to Governor’s extended stay-at-home order

On April 23, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker announced his intentions to extent the “stay-at-home” order until May 30.

State Senator Sue Rezin (R-Morris) released the subsequent statement following the Governor’s action:

 “While I am pleased that the Governor made some vitally needed modifications to his stay-at-home order, such as resuming elective medical procedures, opening up some of the state parks and trails, and allowing some additional businesses to operate. That being said, I fear that the Governor missed a critical opportunity to do more to help the state.

I would have liked to see the Governor include some sort of regional consideration for future plans to re-open the state. Illinois is a very diverse state and a one-size-fits-all approach will not work. For many local businesses, this stay-at-home order has had devastating consequences. The Governor needs to recognize that the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis is not impacting the state the same way across all regions.  

 I have had several local business owners reach out to my office over the past few weeks about their concerns. Many have expressed their anxieties about the prospect of losing their business. It is time that we start taking the necessary steps to safely re-open our state on a regional basis, provide businesses relief and get people back to work.”