Rezin reacts to the resignation of the IDVA Director

State Senator Sue Rezin (R-Morris) reacts to the news of the resignation of the IDVA Director:

“Since the beginning of this fatal outbreak at the LaSalle Veterans’ Home on November 1, it’s become apparent that the leadership within the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs has failed the residents it was tasked with protecting.

“The removal of Director Linda Chapa LaVia was an inevitable and necessary step in bringing accountability to one of the deadliest outbreaks at a state-run facility in Illinois history. While I can respect the former-director’s decision to resign, I question why the decision to leave the department was left in her hands. The Governor should have removed the director from leadership long before today.

“There are still several unanswered questions about procedures and decisions related to the handling of this outbreak. The Governor, IDPH and IDVA have the responsibility to provide those answers to the people of Illinois and the families that have suffered from their inaction.”