Pritzker ignored plans with more tax relief

Gov. JB Pritzker launched a self-congratulatory media blitz June 30, touting his Family Relief Plan that he claims will provide $1.83 billion in tax relief. What he does not mention is that he ignored several proposals by Republican lawmakers that could have provided more substantial tax relief, and on a permanent basis.

Senator Sue Rezin says much of Pritzker’s plan is based on election-year gimmicks. While Democratic legislative leaders this spring rammed through a last-minute budget full of new spending and temporary tax cuts, the Senate Republicans proposed real and permanent tax relief for working families across Illinois that includes:

  • Capping the sales tax on gas at 18 cents per gallon, saving consumers up to about 20 cents per gallon, providing $1 billion in savings over the next year.
  • Eliminating the 1 percent sales tax on groceries and prescription drugs/medical devices.
  • Increasing the Illinois state income tax exemption seniors receive from $1,000 to $2,000.

The Governor is trying to trick consumers into thinking he is providing them relief. Instead, consumers will now be faced with two gas tax increases in 2023—one in January and another in July, courtesy of the Governor’s plan.

If lawmakers are called back to Springfield, Senator Rezin says they should immediately act to cap the state’s sales tax on motor fuel at 18 cents per gallon, which is more in line with what consumers were paying last fall before prices started to climb dramatically. The General Assembly should repeal the Governor’s two-cent election-year gimmick and pass Senate Bill 4195, sponsored by Senator Rezin, which provides substantially more savings and relief to motorists and prevents state government from receiving a windfall of cash it was never expecting.