Report warns of Illinois budget problems

A nonprofit group that promotes responsible government spending says Illinois could face budget problems down the road because of its use of one-time revenue created by federal COVID-19 money for increased, long-term spending. The report echoes the warnings Senate Republicans made prior to the budget being forced through by Democratic leaders earlier this spring. That budget takes effect July 1.

Working with the Volcker Alliance, Beverly Bunch, a professor at the University of Illinois Springfield’s School of Public Management and Policy, warns in a report that states must take care in how they use one-time money and not earmark it for on-going expenses.

The Fiscal Year 2023 budget signed by Gov. Pritzker increases operational government spending by $2.8 billion over Fiscal Year 2022 spending.

Senator Rezin questions how the state expects to pay for the nearly $3 billion in increased spending next year when revenues go back down to normal levels and says it’s this kind of irresponsible budgeting that has led Illinois to the dire fiscal situation it has faced for years.