Senator Rezin Named Champion of Manufacturing

In recognition of her commitment to supporting policies that benefit manufacturers and the broader business community in Illinois, State Senator Sue Rezin (R-Morris) was named a “Champion of Manufacturing” by the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association (IMA).

The IMA awarded the title based on its 2024 Legislative Report Card, which highlights lawmakers who consistently support Illinois’ manufacturing industry. The Report Card rates lawmakers based on their voting record on key bills that impact the state’s manufacturing sector.

“I am truly honored to be recognized as a ‘Champion of Manufacturing’ by the IMA. Manufacturing is the backbone of our economy, providing good-paying jobs and vital products that Illinois and the rest of the country rely on,” said Sen. Rezin. “I look forward to continuing to work with the IMA as we strive to implement state policies that encourage growth and stability in this critical industry.”

With a 93 percent voting record, Sen. Rezin demonstrated her broad support for Illinois’ manufacturing economy and the jobs it creates.

“The Illinois Manufacturing community would like to thank Senator Rezin for her continued support of our industry and the thousands of women and men on shop floors across our state,” said IMA VP of Government Affairs Donovan Griffith. “The manufacturing community looks forward to continuing to work with Senator Rezin as we continue to grow jobs, strengthen our economy, and support families.”

To see a full list of bills evaluated by the IMA for the 2024 Legislative Report Card, click here.

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