Happy 200th Birthday, Illinois!

On Dec. 3, 1818, Illinois became the 21st state in the union. 

The Illinois Bicentennial has been celebrated with a yearlong celebration of what has been BORN, BUILT & GROWN in the state and a reminder of why we are Illinois Proud. 

On Dec. 3, 2018, Illinois celebrated its 200th Birthday with more than 2,300 Illinois citizens coming together at the Bicentennial Birthday Party on Chicago’s Navy Pier.  

“Tonight, we recognize some of the great contributions Illinois has made to society and the world.” said Gov. Bruce Rauner. “The milestones featured during our 200th birthday represent opportunities to reflect on our past and understand the great assets our state has to build on for the future. We have a lot to be proud of … and lot to build on.” 

More information, about the Illinois Bicentennial is available at https://illinois200.com/.