Public, media invited to listen, participate in Rezin’s live teleforum about heroin epidemic

State Sen. Sue Rezin is encouraging parents, members of the education community, and concerned citizens to join her for a live teleforum at 7:00 p.m., May 15, about the growing use of heroin by young people.

Rezin will be joined on the call by Luke Tomsha of LaSalle who has 14 years of experience as a heroin addict and is a recovering heroin user; Joseph Stavola, a Master Sergeant from the Illinois State Police and part of the Kendall County Cooperative Police Assistance Team that deals with combating illegal drugs; and Dr. Maria Bruni who is the Acting Assistant Secretary of the Illinois Department of Human Services and the Acting Director of Division of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse (DASA).

Anyone in the 38th Senate District can listen in to the hour-long discussion and ask questions.

No community is immune to this heroin crisis, Rezin said. This drug wreaks havoc on personal lives, family lives, and our neighborhoods. My teleforum is especially designed for parents, teachers, and coaches so they can learn what to look for if they suspect their children or students are using heroin. Our expert panel will explain the tricks and signs of a user so you can intervene. This is an opportunity for all of us to educate ourselves on this issue so we can make our communities safer and most importantly, save lives.

Those interested in participating in the teleforum will call 877-229-8493 with the ID code of 18315 on May 15 at 7:00 p.m. Participants are asked to not call before 7:00 p.m.