Sen. Rezin moves district office to old Westclox factory building

Peru, IL – Calling it an “incredible opportunity,” State Sen. Sue Rezin says she is thrilled to be moving her district office to the old Westclox factory, a former manufacturer of clocks in Peru.

“Once I learned there were efforts to revitalize the Westclox factory and turn it into some office space, I knew I wanted my district office there,” Rezin said. “It’s going to be really neat to work inside a building with so much history, unique architecture, and incredible stories, especially a building that had such a tremendous impact on the LaSalle/Peru area.”

At one time, the Westclox factory employed about 4,000 people. It closed its doors completely in the 1980s and is now on the National Register of Historic Places.

“Once you walk inside, you just get that feeling of, ‘This is really cool,’” Rezin said. “The developers did such a great job utilizing the space, respecting its history, and preserving the look and feel that makes this building a treasure for our area.”

Senator Rezin’s new District Office address is:

350 5th St., Suite 264

Peru, IL 61354

You can still reach Senator Rezin at:

815-220-8720 or