Rezin opposes Rock Island Clean Line Project, sends letter to ICC asking them to reject proposal

PERU, IL –  State Sen. Sue Rezin (R-Morris) said after receiving multiple constituent phone calls and evaluating the Rock Island Clean Line Project proposal, she filed a letter with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) on Oct. 12 to request that they reject the proposal.  

Sen. Rezin said that she opposes the plan because it does more harm than good for the farmers and farmland in Illinois.  

“I oppose the project and the current path as it runs through some of the greatest farmland in the world,” she said.  “The project has failed to show its necessity to Illinois electric consumers, only serves to help Iowa wind farms, and it has chosen a path that is harmful to the Illinois Agriculture Industry.”

She also said that as one of the leading corn and soybean production states, the proposed project will jeopardize and interfere with crop production in and around her Senate District.

“Limitations on crop spraying and compressed soil issues for farmers are just two examples of the harmful effects of this project,” Sen. Rezin said.  “In addition, I have very serious concerns about the possible threat to property rights through the power of eminent domain if the project cannot reach voluntary agreements with the landowners.”

She said she hopes the ICC considers her request and the requests of others by ultimately deciding to not go forward with the Rock Island Clean Line Project.  

Furthermore, Sen. Rezin said that this proposed line is just one of several transmission lines going through Iowa and Illinois that brings wind energy from Iowa into the energy grid.  She said, “We need to work with the state and the ICC to take a comprehensive approach and develop a plan to address all of the transmission lines throughout the region and state.”  

Sen. Rezin has made an effort to protect property rights in the past by voting no on quick take projects such as Senate Bill 1073, where the legislation allows Will County to take 38 parcels of land for a highway project, and Senate Bill 3318, which permits the Illinois Department of Transportation to acquire land for the Illiana project.  

For those looking to make their voice heard further, Sen. Rezin said constituents can send letters to the Illinois Commerce Commission at 527 East Capitol Avenue, Springfield, IL 62701.