Legislation to Keep an Eye On During Final Stretch of Session

Lawmakers are heading back to Springfield for the final stretch of the spring session. Despite the many good ideas, proposals, and legislation that have been introduced to help make Illinois a better state to live, work, and raise a family, there are some bills that seem to miss the mark when it comes to what Illinois’ priorities should be. Here are some “not-so-good” bills to keep an eye on during the last few weeks of session. 

Senate Bill 182: Seeks to limit local control by permitting the Illinois Department of Public Health to control local health departments during a pandemic in which the Governor has issued a Disaster Declaration.

Senate Bill 1483: Allows inmates of a correctional facility, including those convicted of a felony, the ability to vote in elections despite the Illinois Constitution stating, “A person convicted of a felony, or otherwise under sentence in a correctional institution or jail, shall lose their right to vote, which right shall be restored not later than upon completion of his sentence.”

Senate Bill 1556: Sets Illinois up for a ban on gas cars by allowing the Environmental Protection Agency to establish rules to reduce carbon intensity from on-road transportation.

Senate Bill 2348: Requires school districts to provide 20 minutes of relaxation activities per week, such as yoga, meditation, or stretching, in addition to and not replacing recess.