OSFM stresses importance of fire safety for older Illinoisans

The Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) is reminding older Illinoisans about the importance of fire safety.

People over the age of 65 face the greatest risk of dying in a fire. In 2018, 44% out of the 118 fire deaths in Illinois were people over the age of 60. According to the United States Fire Administration (USFA), on average, over 1,000 Americans 65 and older die in home fires with the leading cause of these deaths is careless smoking. 

OSFM says to keep these tips in mind to create a fire safe home:

  • Know two ways out of every room. Practice using both ways.
  • Remove any items that may block your way out of the room or your home.
  • Discuss your fire escape plan with family and neighbors. Contact your building manager or fire department to discuss your plan if you need extra help escaping.
  • Keep eyeglasses, keys, hearing aids and a phone within reaching next to your bed.
  • Practice your home fire escape drill twice a year.