Rezin legislation helps communities close to nuclear power plants

State Sen. Sue Rezin is sponsoring legislation that would help ensure public safety in the event of a nuclear emergency.

Senate Bill 3411 would appropriate $650,000 from the Nuclear Safety Preparedness Fund to help compensate local governments for expenses related to nuclear safety preparedness.

“My legislation helps local governments that are near nuclear facilities pay for training and other expenses to prepare for nuclear emergencies,” Rezin said. “This is critical, as we must be ready to respond if something drastic happens. Everyone must be on the same page. Public safety is of the essence.”

As Minority Spokesperson on the Senate’s Energy Committee, member of the National Conference of State Legislatures’ Energy Committee, and participant in the upcoming Legislative Energy Horizon Institute, Rezin is a leading voice on energy issues and an advocate of energy in the 38th District, known as the Energy and Chemical Corridor of America.

“We have dozens of energy and chemical producers in our region, supplying millions of people with power at a low cost, employing thousands of workers, and giving local economies and the state’s economy a huge boost,” Rezin said. “I believe our region, as the Energy and Chemical Corridor of America, can play a big role in boosting Illinois’ economy and bring jobs back to the state.”