Charlie’s Law offers life-saving treatments to children

Legislation signed into law this week will ensure that children are able to receive life-saving treatments for autoimmune disorders connected to streptococcal infections known as PANDAS.

House Bill 2721 was inspired by Charlie Drury, an 8-year-old from Lombard. Drury’s diagnosis of strep throat evolved into a severe and common mental disorder in children known as PANDAS (pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections).

The legislation requires health insurance providers to include these treatments as part of their coverage. Though the condition can be cured by a specialized vaccine and/or certain medically-advised treatments, without coverage, families have had to pay for treatments which can surpass $10,000 per treatment.

Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner signed the legislation on July 18 at a ceremony in the Drury home.