Health insurance companies would be required to offer generic alternatives for EpiPens under legislation sponsored by State Senator Sue Rezin (R-Morris). Senate Bill 2047 passed the Senate unanimously on Thursday, April 4.
EpiPen is the brand name of a device that delivers the drug epinephrine, which is a life-saving medication used when someone is experiencing a severe allergic reaction. Cost for this drug, which can be in the hundreds of dollars range, often place it out of reach to those who need it most.
SB 2047 would also require health insurance companies to offer generic alternatives for insulin auto-injectors.
“These life-saving drugs can be extremely expensive for those who need them,” said Sen. Rezin. “Generic forms are often much more affordable. This legislation seeks to ensure patients are provided with all available options at a price within reason.”
SB 2047 now heads to the House of Representatives for consideration.