What to expect as Illinois enters Phase 4

As Illinois enters Phase 4 of the COVID-19 reopening plan, here is a little more information from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) about what to expect.


All employees who can work from home should continue to do so
Continue to wear face covering that covers nose and mouth, maintain social distance of 6 ft., and frequently wash hands
Continue employee health screenings upon entry into the workplace and mid-shift screenings for employees with shifts >5 hours (virtual screening permitted)
Follow guidelines on capacity limits and group sizes (to be continually reassessed throughout Phase 4)


Capacity limit of no more than 50% of facility occupancy
Group sizes of 15 participants, unless participants changing weekly
Water-based activities permitted according to IDPH guidelines
Continue to encourage outdoor activities as much as possible, especially for activities requiring physical exertion and/or exertion of voice


Capacity limit of no more than 50% of sound stage/location occupancy
Crowd scenes should be limited to 50 people or fewer
All individuals should maintain 6 ft. of social distancing unless job duty cannot be performed without proximity (e.g. actors performing, hair, make- up, costumes)
One-time nasal swab for RT-PCR testing of all cast and crew should be obtained within 48 to 72 hours prior to the start of work on set or location
Craft services and catering should follow Restaurant and Bar guidelines
Live audiences permitted in line with Theatre/Performing Arts guidelines


Capacity limit of no more than 50% occupancy
Group fitness classes of up to 50 people with at least 6 ft. social distancing between individuals permitted; multiple groups permitted given facilities have space to appropriately social distance and can limit interaction between groups
Workout stations and equipment should be 6 ft. apart without barriers or 3 ft. apart with impermeable barriers in between
For open gym spaces, have 1 employee per every 4,000 sq. ft. to monitor social distancing and sanitize equipment between use
Sanitize equipment before and after each individual use and sanitize locker rooms and showers at least every hour
Keep ancillary accommodations (e.g., saunas, hot tubs, steam rooms) closed, though childcare areas are permitted to reopen in line with DHFS childcare guidelines
Members should wear face covering over their nose and mouth whenever not exercising


Reopening select indoor recreation facilities (e.g., bowling alleys, skating rinks); indoor playgrounds and trampoline parks should remain closed
Indoor recreation to operate at lesser of 50 customers or 50% of facility capacity
Outdoor recreation allowing group sizes of up to 50, and permitting multiple groups given facilities have space to appropriately social distance and can limit interaction between groups
Activity stations should be spaced at least 6 ft. apart or limited in number to ensure social distancing
Shared equipment should be disinfected before and after each use
Clubhouses and other communal gathering places allowed to reopen
Concessions permitted with restrictions


In-person meetings of up to 50 people with social distancing permitted


Limit to 50 people or less with social distancing or 50% of overall facility capacity
Multiple groups may meet in the same facility if they are socially distanced and in separate rooms
Groups should be static for duration of meeting or event. If event includes multiple sessions, participants should remain in one room, and speakers/ presenters should rotate between rooms or be digitally displayed (e.g. projected, livestreamed) in multiple rooms
Dance floors should remain closed
Food service should follow Restaurant and Bar guidelines


Capacity limit of no more than 25% occupancy
Guided tours should be limited to 50 or fewer people per group
Hands-on exhibits and touch screens should be closed or modified to eliminate the hands-on component
Audio tours are permitted, though equipment should be disinfected before and after individual use
Museums should have plan to limit congregation via advance ticket sales and timed ticketing
Concessions permitted with restrictions


Continue capacity limit of no more than 50% occupancy
In-person meetings of up to 50 people with social distancing permitted
Continue health screenings, though employers may screen office employees via in-person conversation or questionnaire once at their workstation, or using virtual method


Indoor dining and drinking now permitted for parties of up to 10 people
Seated areas should be arranged so that tables allow for 6 ft. between parties; impermeable barriers may be installed between booths which are less than 6 ft. apart
Standing areas (in restaurants or bars) should be limited to no more than 25% of standing area capacity
Buffets and self-service food stations (e.g. hot and cold bars, bulk items, baked goods) should adhere to additional minimum guidelines
Self-service beverage fountains are permissible with the additional precautions


Continue capacity limit of no more than 50% occupancy
Mall food courts may reopen in line with Indoor Dining and Drinking guidelines


Continue capacity limit of no more than 50% occupancy
If services require customer to remove his or her mask, employee must wear both a face mask and eye protection (e.g., face shield, protective glasses)
No time restrictions on massage or other services


Outdoor spectator events only; indoor spectator events not permitted at this time
Tickets events with seating available for all customers permitted; general admission shows and/or events with standing room only are not permitted at this time
Maximum of 20% of seating capacity for spectators
Concessions permitted with restrictions


Seated theaters, cinemas, and performing arts centers for ticketed events with seating available for all customers permitted; general admission shows and/or events with standing room only are not permitted at this time
Indoor capacity limit of 50 people or less or 50% of space capacity (applies to each screening room); outdoor capacity limited to 20% of overall space capacity
Patrons should wear face coverings over their nose and mouth, except while seated within a venue (exceptions can be made for people with medical conditions or disabilities that prevent them from safely wearing a face covering)
Concessions permitted with restrictions


Competitive gameplay and tournaments permitted
Capacity limit of no more than 50% facility capacity, 20% seating capacity for spectators
Group sizes limited to 50 participants total (including athletes, coaches, and referees); with multiple groups permitted during practice and competitive games given venues have space to appropriately social distance and can limit interaction between group
Concessions permitted with restrictions


Capacity limit of no more than 25% occupancy
Guided tours should be limited to 50 or fewer people per group
Hands-on exhibits and touch screens should be closed or modified to eliminate the hands-on component
Indoor exhibits should be closed
Audio tours are permitted, though equipment should be disinfected before and after individual use
Zoos should have plan to limit congregation via advance ticket sales and timed ticketing
Concessions permitted with restrictions

Source: Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity guidance issued June 22, 2020, effective June 26, 2020