Sen. Rezin celebrates signing of Gold Star Families’ Honor and Remember Flag Legislation

On July 31, legislation filed by State Senator Sue Rezin (R-Morris) to officially recognize the Honor and Remember Flag was signed into law.

Senate Bill 1072 designates the Honor and Remember Flag as the official State symbol of concern for and commitment to honoring and remembering the lives of all members of the United States armed forces who have lost their lives while serving or as a result of service and their families.

“The Honor and Remember Flag has become a powerful and moving symbol for the loved ones of servicemen and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our nation and its freedoms,” said Sen. Rezin. “While we may never be able to truly thank these American heroes enough or fill the hole left by their loss, officially recognizing this flag and what it means is just one small gesture we can make to ensure that we remember and honor the sacrifice they made in order to preserve our way of life.”

Senate Bill 1072 received unanimous support in both chambers of the General Assembly. The Honor and Remember Flag has been officially recognized by more than 20 states.

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