Illinois Nears the Bottom in National Education Freedom Rankings

A recently released report ranks Illinois as 38th in the nation for education freedom. The 2025 Index of State Education Freedom by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), gives the state a “D” grade, due in part to the end of the Invest in Kids program, which provided scholarships for low-income students. Illinois did receive an “A” for its supportive homeschooling environment.

The index evaluates states on school choice, charter schools, homeschooling, virtual schooling, and financing programs that allow funding to follow students. Top-ranking states include Florida, Arizona, and Arkansas, while New York, Massachusetts, and Oregon ranked lowest. 

State Senator Sue Rezin believes that Illinois desperately needs to launch a new program similar to “Invest in Kids,” to help students in failing schools by offering them a choice to attend another school where they can succeed and thrive.

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