Jobs reports underscore need for reform

Recent economic data from the Illinois Department of Employment Security shows that in September, professional and business services had a net gain of 5,100 jobs, and education and health services gained 1,500 jobs. However, Illinois also lost 1,300 jobs in financial activities and 800 jobs in manufacturing.

And an Oct. 21 release from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that Illinois is experiencing more workforce dropout than any of its neighboring states. It also shows manufacturing has lost 8,500 jobs so far in 2016, while the professional and business services sector has added nearly 30,000 jobs.

Manufacturers play a pivotal role in Illinois, creating jobs within the industry and providing materials for countless other businesses that are key to a strong Illinois economy. October 7 was National Manufacturing Day, but Illinois has had little to celebrate. The Land of Lincoln is currently lagging behind its neighbors in the growth of manufacturing jobs, a fact that underscores the need for essential government and economic reforms that will bring new businesses and jobs into Illinois.

Republican lawmakers are calling for structural and spending reforms in state government to bring fiscal security and much-needed jobs back to the state. They support structural and spending reforms that address the state’s pension debt and bill backlog, workers’ compensation reform, tax reforms and incentives for employers, and property tax relief; and create a skilled workforce through education and workforce development initiatives.

They believe job creation is critical to help the state grow its way out of the current economic and budget mess.